Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Screen (video) size question/confusion?

I lately bought a big plasma tv, and i have a laptop beside s-video out. so after connecting them and configure my dual monitor, i can't take benefit of my entire screen. there's a 1.5 inch border adjectives the way around the eyeshade which i can't seem to carry rid of. and what's worse is when I play a movie on my laptop, it's like super letterbox. next to huge black stripes on the top and bottom.

it doesn't seem to thing what resolution i tell it, it's duplicate for all of them from 800x600 to 1600x1200. it doesn't give the impression of being to make any difference. but what confused me even more be when i opened an avi wallet with powerdvd, it displayed it surrounded by full screen but I still have that 1.5 inch black border all the means of access around.

I can't really explain it any better but if there's anyone that's experienced similar problems I'd love to hear how they fixed it.



Let's forget about the computer right very soon. When you watch TV or a DVD movie, do you own this 1.5 border? Most plasmas have a 1.5 black border to frame the picture. Then, depending on whether you are watching a 1.33, 1.85 or 2.35 aspect ratio, you will attain even more of a border. With a plasma TV, only a true 16:9 or 1.78 aspect ratio video, you are going to achieve a full screen figure.

As for your computer, you need to display your computer at local resolution. If your TV is 1280x720, then you inevitability to set this on your computer. The problem is that you need a VGA, DVI or HDMi to seize this resolution. With s-video, you are only going to take 640x480 with compression at superior resolutions.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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