Friday, September 17, 2010

What % of power we can accumulate by keeping computer on standby mode?

for example: at one side computer is kept contained by standby mode for 8 hrs and at other side its been kept generally 'on' with monitor 'off' for 8 hrs.


if your not gonna use it for more than a couple of hours, newly turn it off. it will recover you some on your electric bill
not enough to see a difference.
this is better

start up option - hibernate - shut down -screen saver password

walk to start at bottom of screen within blue bar (task bar)

travel to control panel

choose power options

choose never to adjectives listed here or the settings you want

choose apply then choose ok

if you want to hibernate

after choose hibernate

click advanced choose hibernate

then click hibernate

click see hibernate

make sure you click apply and ok to everything

also click advanced tab choose show deity on desk top

then you can push power button

window will close

push button again and you are where you be again

computer does not have to do adjectives that work again

password protected screen investor is good

i use it my self

do this by

close adjectives windows

right click on undo area of desk top

choose properties

choose blind saver

choose password protect on resume

this will be your password as you are the administrator

be sure to set the time for peak saver to come on

or and

press the window key logo + L at alike time located on the key bord

to lock it. when you unlock it will ask for password
as u know their is a shortage of electricity surrounded by India.

So, if u stand by the moniter some time it save salvage your money by using less electricity and also giving assistance to India

a dog for sale

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