While I can't tell you where on earth to look in Chennai, I can give an account you what to look for in a monitor.
First of adjectives, larger is better but it depends on the resolution of the screen. A 17 monitor next to good resolution is better plus than a 21 monitor with a blurry eyeshade.
Secondly, the price you pay does business but so does service. If you purchase a good monitor but you have need of to send it away for service, consequently it's not really a good monitor. Find out if they own a local service centre you can bring it to.
Thirdly the businesswoman counts for a lot but a suitable monitor at a reasonable price is better than a great monitor at a illustrious price. Figure out what you can afford and see what you can get within your price range.
And lastly, surrounded by terms of manufacturer for flat panels most of the ones you're going to find are going to be of similar competence because they're made by the same inhabitants. One manufacturer make it and other people a short time ago come along and slap their name on it. If you enjoy the cash, Sony make a good monitor. If you can't afford that, I would enunciate that Samsung, Acer, Viewsonic, Phillips, LG and NEC make perfect monitors.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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